2010 Resolution

Posted by haydee on January 12, 2010 in thoughts |

IMG_0393greetingsHappy New Year!

I know I am couple of weeks late for my greetings (at least in my blog). Give me a shoutout if I did forget to send my best wishes for the new decade. I am currently trying my best to work on my list. Since it’s becoming a tradition to contemplate about the stuff we left in the old year, here, I am definitely motivating myself to make it a number one priority to keep ahead with my tasks. Sounds large! yeah…I am obsessed with arts and creativity and to a point that I am somehow lost in my stuff and frustrated afterwards that i have “nothing” to really claim fame for…lol!

Well, let’s start it easy…
I didn’t have Patrick or the rest of the family votes to come up with my 10 must do for the year. Afterall, this is my own to do list (take note, you’re reading Haydee’s atelier)

10. Run the 20K marathon. I know! i got my program magnet to the wall.
9. Keep a healthy diet (this is really hard)
8. Go to the gym at least 3x a week
7. Plan a housechore schedule (I am working on it) and stick with it. **note to self** planning doesn’t mean going to lunches with the girls talking about routine house work and b+”*& about it. ;D

6. Make a phone call to family members once a week…Facebook doesn’t work with my mama.

5. Cut down with scrapbooking expenses…ugh! but I need to get inspired with new materials…

4. Keep in touch with friends regularly, (by hosting once a month gatheringstalking them on FB? coffee morning chats, ski day, sms…??)

3. Updating the family website! need to posts the latest photo album in the gallery right away, so no back log.

2. Discipline training to get the list working, learning to be strong will when needed to get priorities done…avoid procrastination!

1. Continue to be a happy mommy, crank up the patience a bit higher, and learn to be thankful for each day’s blessing.

Now, time to work on these things…Go!


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